Monday, May 12

Compliment much?

Most of us in our bloggy community are women. I don't think I have any men on my friend's list but if I do, you may appreciate this too.

We like compliments. To be told we look pretty. You smell good. Those are nice shoes. Wow, you look skinny (this is my personal favorite). Great outfit. You get my point. If you didn't know what a compliment was, now you do.

Today this happened.

MALE Co-worker (stops in his tracks, stares at me): Did you do something different with your hair?

Me: Um, no. I just blew it dry like whenever I'm not being lazy usual.

Co-worker: Are you sure? It looks different. It looks REALLY dark.

Me: Well, that tends to happen when you have black hair.

Co-worker: No, no... something is different. *He thinks for a minute.* Oh, I know.. you WASHED it.

Me: *I just force a mini smile and look back at my computer with some very non-Christian vocabulary words swirling around in my brain.*

And this is how the conversation should have gone.

FEMALE Co-worker (stops in her tracks, stares at me): OMG! Your hair!! It looks so good!! How did you get it to do that?? Did you just get it cut?

Me: Nope, no cut. Just decided to stop being lazy and actually DO my hair for once. Just a blow dry and flat iron. You like?

Co-worker: Yeah, it looks REALLY good! Did you color it? It's really shiny...

Me: No, no color.. just good hair moisturizer!

Co-worker: Wow, I love it like that.

Me: Awww, thanks! *I go back to looking at the computer with a smile on my face, feeling pretty darn good*.

ps. I made my first goal of five pounds.. Can I get a woo-woo!?!


MMalloy said...

Woo-Hoo!!! Congrats on 5 lbs!!! You totally rock!
My co-workers are the same way (I only work with men). They just don't get it. I bet you look beautiful with your sassy straightened look!!! Congrats again!

Miss July...not...yet said...

Okay, now that was funny, b/c it was so true! You should totally write a book about things like that...the difference b/n men & women. Sigh...

congrats on the first 5 goal! That is awesome!

Kate said... are so dense. lol.

AND WOOT WOOT to the weight loss. U go girl!

anna said...

MEN! try being married to one. ha! well, congratulations on your 5 pounds! and did i mention, you look skinny today?

Unknown said...

WOO WOO - you ROCK!!! I'm doing the happy dance "go Tina, go Tina, it's your birthday"......okay now if I was doing that in real life you would be on the ground rolling with laughter since I have ZERO dancing abilities!

Hope that things are looking up for you - you are always in my thoughts and prayers!


Unknown said...

WOO WOO - you ROCK!!! I'm doing the happy dance "go Tina, go Tina, it's your birthday"......okay now if I was doing that in real life you would be on the ground rolling with laughter since I have ZERO dancing abilities!

Hope that things are looking up for you - you are always in my thoughts and prayers!


Unknown said...

WOO WOO - you ROCK!!! I'm doing the happy dance "go Tina, go Tina, it's your birthday"......okay now if I was doing that in real life you would be on the ground rolling with laughter since I have ZERO dancing abilities!

Hope that things are looking up for you - you are always in my thoughts and prayers!


Lottifish said...

Whoo whoo! Congratulations, good job!

Swizzlepop said...

OMG are you kidding me? He said that? He's lucky you didn't smack him upside the head!

Congrats on the loss!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

You didn't check in for hte challenge last week. What's up with that? I signed you up remember?

How do you do the strike through thingie, I can't seem to figure it out.

Candace MacPherson said...

Congrats on the compliment - I think.


MaryFran said...

Yeah for making your first goal!!!! HUGE news!!! You've definitely got my woo hooo!

Unknown said...

Where the heck are you????

Unknown said...

Where the heck are you???

Amanda said...

Yes you can get a WOO HOO!!!