I love that the scale is cooperating lately.. 7.6 pounds so far since April 28th. I can't believe I'm probably only a couple of weeks away from the 10 pound mark. SO EXCITING. But I got to thinking (and this isn't really a complaint, more fact stating than anything) about the places that my body loses first. It usually has always happened in this order. Trust me, years of diets and body abuse and I've pretty much memorized the pattern.
1. Face
2. Right under my knee cap (seriously)
3. Boobs (grrr)
4. Waist
5. Hips
6. Legs
Tonight I was looking at pictures from the same date that I "began AGAIN" and compared them to pics taken from just last week. Do you see anything? I looked and think maybe but I'm not sure... Maybe a hint less of my second chin??
Just for fun, I started the comparison with a pic from March of last year...
Body shots (no, not those kind) to come in about a month...
I definitely see it in your face with these shots. I lose in my face first, then my boobs. Yes, it sucks and I completely agree with you!
I see a difference in the cheeks and chin area and your neck.
10 pounds WOOHOO you are so close!!!!!!
I can totally see a difference in your face now, looking good girl!
Congratulations on your weight loss! :)...I've gained 5 pounds in the last year....UGGG.....
look how pretty you are!!
ok...i'm not such simple pleasures anymore. i'm...
rock and drool...mom gone mental
too many unwanted guests on ssp :(
see ya later!!
Awww - you look fantastic and YES I think your face has slimmed down!! You are beautiful, inside and out!
love the photos!
I too definitely see a difference! A Bigger smile, Cute cheek bones. Looking good!!
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