Saturday, April 19


You guys are so gracious and kind to me. With your "you didn't do too bad".. "drink more water"... "it could be worse... "

Oh sweet niblets... yesterday was atrocious!!

Here's a recap... evil co-worker suggests Chinese for lunch. I eat Chinese for lunch but kinda nibble and don't really eat a whole lot. But the problem is I brought my leftovers home for dinner. And ate the whole dang thing. I should mention I started my morning off at Chick-fil-A... because I'm a little mad at Dunkin Donuts right.

I'm on point today and one "off" day isn't gonna kill me but Lordy lord lord.. I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't have licked the brownie pan clean this morning. Thankfully I did Pilates. And don't have any more Chinese food in the house. But I have a baby shower, which I am planning NOT to eat at... hanging out with some girls and then hanging out with my teens tonight.

It's 74 out.. and is supposed to be like 80 something.. yesterday was 85!! So that'll keep me from having a huge appetite at least.

Must .... drink.... water...


Amanda said...

Get out and enjoy this awesome weather girlfriend! That'll keep you from eating. ;)

Swizzlepop said...

Water, water, water, water, water! :)
Pilates is great! And totally counts as exercise and for the challenge!

You can do this!

HappyBlogChick said...

Ugh, the food was not my friend these past few days.

I should go drink water, too. There probably isn't enough water in the world ...

Hope the rest of your weekend was easier for you. :-)

Kate said...

Freaking Evil Coworkers all belong on an island by themselves. I have plenty of them

And your so right, one "off" day isn't gonna kill ya! Really it will only make you stronger!

MMalloy said...

Hope the shower went well. 85 degrees??? I am so jealous! We reached 68 for the first time yesterday and everyone was wearing shorts! Can't wait for summer!

MMalloy said...

Hope the shower went well. 85 degrees??? I am so jealous! We reached 68 for the first time yesterday and everyone was wearing shorts! Can't wait for summer!

Laura B. said...

Oh'll be okay. One bad day doesn't break you. But it's true...the water fills you up...and you burn lots of calories running back and forth from the potty!!! ;-)

Unknown said...

I happened upon your blog and I just must comment!

Keep up the good work, the best thing is to limit that one bad day to just that and move on to a better day.

In my old days ;) my one bad day would turn into a week long badness and limit it to one day and move it is MUCH healthier. :)

SO keep up the good work (the shortwinded version)